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"By not accepting our rank of headship “as unto the Lord,” we are beheading our own families."

"There’s a higher calling than King and Priest; it’s a father."

"The covering is the anointing in manifestation for position, protection, provision, and counsel."

"Number one is the anointing and spirit of the father!

Number two is the anointing and spirit of the son!"

"If you are called and appointed, then you are also anointed."

"For whatever He commands, He enables."

"The un-appointed, the un-anointed, and the un-enabled hirelings are

raising our families and we are expecting good results?"

Family Vision - Can you see it?

With a strong family, we can have a strong church. With a strong church, we can have a strong city. With a strong city, we can have a strong state. And with a strong state, we can have a strong nation!

A family Who Eats Together, Prays Together, and Fears Together.

Generational Vision

How can we destroy the family? Divide the family and get rid of the strong man; get rid of the father.

The root of the Generational Blessing of Abraham is in the Father!

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